Star Island is within the waters of N’dakinna, the traditional lands and waterways of the Abenaki, Pennacook and other related Wabanaki Peoples past and present. We acknowledge and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
Star Island is one of the nine Isles of Shoals located seven miles off the coast of New Hampshire and Maine. All are welcome to explore the island for a day, enjoy a meal, spend the night, or attend a conference. Star is owned and operated by the nonprofit Star Island Corporation.
Star has a storied history: in the 1600’s it was the busiest fishing port on the East coast. In the 1800’s, artists, writers and intellectuals flocked to the Oceanic Hotel - one of the last of the original Grand Hotels. For the last 100 years, Star Island has offered an all-inclusive summer camp experience for families and hosted a wide variety of themed conferences and personal retreats.
Whether you find yourself mesmerized by the sunset in a rocking chair on the porch, exploring Gosport Harbor in a kayak, or learning about our innovative environmental programs, Star Island is unforgettable.